How to Prepare Perfect Sauce Béchamel

Sauce Béchamel. Preparation Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Béchamel sauce (/ˌbeɪʃəˈmɛl/; French: [beʃamɛl]), also known as white sauce, is a sauce that originated in Italy, later introduced to France, made from a white roux (butter and flour) and milk. Béchamel is a basic white sauce, one of the five mother sauces, that you can serve as-is, or use for making all sorts of other creamy, cheesy sauces.

A bechamel sauce is a Mother Sauce, which is where all sauces originate from. Making your own bechamel/white sauce is so easy and the result is delicious creaminess in every bite. Partager à mes amis. la recette Béchamel rapide et facile. You can have Sauce Béchamel using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sauce Béchamel

  1. Prepare 50 g of farine.
  2. You need 50 g of beurre.
  3. You need 60 cl of lait.
  4. You need of Sel.
  5. You need of Poivre.
  6. You need of Muscade en poudre.

This is Delia's classic way of making a white (béchamel) sauce, using a mixture of butter and flour called a roux. Bechamel sauce is a classic French sauce made from butter, flour, and milk. It's a versatile sauce that forms the base for most creamy sauces, gratins, macaroni and. A béchamel or white sauce is one of the classic French "mother sauces" that form the basis of much French cuisine.

Sauce Béchamel step by step

  1. Faire fondre le beurre dans une casserole (à fond épais si possible et qui n'accroche pas)..
  2. Ajoutez la farine et mélanger avec une cuillère en bois sans laisser colorer jusqu'à que la farine épaississe..
  3. Versez le lait petit à petit, remuer sans cesse, jusqu'à que la crème épaississe. (rajouter du lait selon la consistance voulue)..
  4. Salez et poivrez et rajouter de la muscade (selon votre goût mais une pincée suffit en général)..

White sauce is perhaps the most commonly used mother sauce for home cooks. Milk infusing with bay leaf, peppercorns, shallot and flat-leaf parsley prior to being added to the roux. History is not clear if he was the actual inventor of the sauce or if. Béchamel sauce, also known as white sauce, is a classic French all-purpose sauce made from butter, flour, and milk. This easy béchamel recipe will have you making an amazing sauce in no time!

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